Measles is important to know!


Measles viral infection, which is characterized by a very high susceptibility. If a person has not been vaccinated against this infection, then after contact with the patient, infection occurs in almost 100% cases. The measles virus is highly volatile.

The period from contact with a measles patient to the onset of the first signs of the disease (incubation period) lasts from 7 to 21 days. During this period, the patient becomes a source of infection for others!!!

The disease begins with headache, weakness, fever up to 40 ° C. A little later, these symptoms are joined runny nose, cough and almost complete lack of appetite. The appearance of conjunctivitis is very characteristic of measles, which is manifested by photophobia, lacrimation, a sharp reddening of the eyes, and subsequently the appearance of a purulent discharge. These symptoms last 2 to 4 days.

On the 4th day of the disease appears rash, which looks like small red spots of various sizes with a tendency to merge. The rash occurs on the face and head (especially behind the ears) and spreads throughout the body over 3-4 days. It is very characteristic of measles that the rash leaves behind pigmentation (dark spots that persist for several days), which disappears in the same sequence as the rash appeared.

With measles, quite serious complications can occur: pneumonia (pneumonia), inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

The only reliable protection against this disease is vaccination against measles, which is included in the National Immunization Schedule.

Persons (children and adults) who have not been vaccinated against measles, who have not been ill and do not have information about vaccinations, in case of a disease in a team (children's institution, school, university, etc.) not allowed!!!

Information about vaccination is entered in the certificate of preventive vaccinations, which is issued to the patient.

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