Memo for patients: social support measures for the free production of dentures in the city of Moscow

The Laws of the City of Moscow dated 03.11.2004 No. 70 "On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow", dated 23.11.2005 No. 60 "On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow", dated 26.09.2018 No. 19 "On additional measures of support for residents of the city of Moscow in connection with changes in federal legislation in the field of pension provision" established 33 categories of residents of the city of Moscow (with permanent registration in the city of Moscow), for whom a measure of social support is provided in the form of free production and repair of dentures (except for expenses on paying for the cost of precious metals and metal ceramics).

To receive social support, you must provide:
— an identity document with a mark of registration (permanent) in the city of Moscow;
- compulsory medical insurance policy;
— a document confirming belonging to a privileged category(ies).

An exhaustive list of services provided and types of dentures is established by the order of the Moscow City Health Department dated 31.03.2021 No. 285 "On approval of the Price Guide for - orthopedic - dental - services provided by - medical - organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow to certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow at the expense of the Moscow city budget" (as amended by the order dated 18.04.2023 No. 376).

Services not included in the price guide are paid for by citizens at their own expense at prices set by the medical organization. The manufacture of dental prostheses from gold and metal ceramics is carried out for medical reasons, while the cost of gold, precious metals and metal ceramics is not included in the Price Guide and is paid by citizens additionally at current prices.

Work with precious metals is carried out in Dental Clinics No. 5 and 49 of the Moscow City Health Department.

Please note that the service of tooth depulpation for orthopedic indications, as well as all services related to dental implantation, are not included in the list of medical services provided to insured persons within the framework of the Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Program of the City of Moscow, as well as in the list of services provided during the implementation of the social support measure Mo for the free manufacture and repair of dentures, and are paid for by the patient.

Orthopedic dental services at home are provided to patients with limited (no) ability to move independently and/or care for themselves, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, included in the registry of home care services in medical organizations of the state health care system of the city of Moscow, providing primary health care to the adult population, and having a corresponding conclusion from a general practitioner with notes O non-transportability to patients on the absence of contraindications for the provision of medical dental care at home.

The list of medical services provided by an orthopedic dentist at home is established by the order of the Moscow City Health Department dated 07.07.2021 No. 643 "On approval of the Regulations for the provision of medical care, transportation and support of citizens suffering from dental diseases and requiring support from MO for medical reasons from the place of actual residence (stay) to the place of receiving dental care and back in the city of Moscow" and includes services for consultation, manufacture and repair of removable dentures.

Types of dentures (work) Number of working days

  • Fixed bridge prostheses 26
  • Clasp dentures 25
  • Removable dentures 20
  • Single Crown 6
  • Combined crowns 12
  • Plastic crowns (caps) 5
  • Repair (repair) of removable dentures 3

The standard timeframes for the production of dentures begin to be calculated on the day following the patient’s appointment with an orthopedic dentist, including the taking of an impression(s) of the jaw(s), taking into account the provisions established by Article 191 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


Types of dentures (work) Number of working days

  • Removable dentures 1 year
  • Fixed dentures 2 years