Law of the City of Moscow dated September 26, 2018 N 19 "On additional measures of support for residents of the city of Moscow in connection with changes in federal legislation in the field of pension provision"

This Law establishes the legal basis for providing additional support measures to certain categories of citizens who reside in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as residents of the city of Moscow) in order to maintain their level of social security and adapt to new conditions of pension provision.

Article 1. Additional measures of social support for residents of the city of Moscow who have reached the age of 55 for women and 60 for men

1. Residents of the city of Moscow who have reached the age of 55 for women and 60 for men, and who have the insurance period required for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with federal legislation in the field of pension provision, are provided the following additional social support measures:

1) free travel on public transport in urban areas, including the metro (except taxis);

2) free travel on the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway (Moscow Central Ring);

3) free travel on public railway transport in suburban traffic outside the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway (Moscow Central Ring);

4) free production and repair of dental prostheses (except for expenses on payment of the cost of precious metals and metal ceramics);

5) provision, if there are medical indications, of free vouchers for spa treatment to unemployed citizens through social protection agencies and reimbursement of travel expenses by rail to the place of treatment and back using the specified vouchers.

2. The authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, in the manner established by the regulatory legal act of the city of Moscow, shall provide assistance to single and (or) single residents of the city of Moscow, specified in the first paragraph of part 1 of this article, in organizing and implementing resettlement during the renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow.

3. Residents of the city of Moscow specified in the first paragraph of Part 1 of this Article, who have been awarded the title of “Veteran of Labor” or the title of “Veteran of Military Service”, in addition to the additional social support measures provided for in Parts 1 and 2 of this Article, are provided with the following additional social support measures:

1) for payment of housing and utilities in the amount of 50 percent of the fee;

2) monthly monetary compensation to subscribers of telephone networks for payment of local telephone services provided in the territory of the city of Moscow, in the amount established by the Government of Moscow;

3) a monthly city cash payment in the amount established by the Government of Moscow, provided that the cash income of the said person does not exceed one million eight hundred thousand rubles per year.

4. If a resident of the city of Moscow has the right to receive the same measure of social support on several grounds in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, the measure of social support shall be provided on one of the grounds at the choice of the resident of the city of Moscow.

5. The procedure and conditions for the provision of additional social support measures provided for in this article shall be established by the Government of Moscow.

Article 2. Free medical examination program for Moscow residents who have reached the age of 50

1. In order to prevent diseases and ensure health protection for residents of the city of Moscow who have reached the age of 50, a program of free medical examination of such residents of the city of Moscow until they reach retirement age is being implemented in medical organizations participating in the implementation of the territorial program of compulsory medical insurance of the city of Moscow.

2. The procedure and frequency of conducting medical examinations in accordance with the program specified in Part 1 of this article, and the composition of its activities shall be established by the Government of Moscow.

Article 3. Targeted social assistance to residents of the city of Moscow who have reached the age of 50 and are in a difficult life situation

Residents of the city of Moscow who have reached the age of 50 and are in a difficult life situation have the right to receive targeted social assistance in the manner and under the conditions established by the Government of Moscow.

Article 4. Promotion of employment of Moscow residents who have reached the age of 50

1. In order to ensure employment for residents of the city of Moscow who have reached the age of 50, the authorized executive bodies of the city of Moscow organize the implementation of programs for vocational training, advanced training and professional preparation of such residents of the city of Moscow, and facilitate their acquisition of additional knowledge and entrepreneurial skills.

2. In order to implement measures to ensure employment for residents of the city of Moscow who have reached the age of 50, by decision of the Government of Moscow, a special center for retraining and employment of such residents of the city of Moscow is being created.

Article 5. Entry into force of this Law

This Law shall enter into force on January 1, 2019.