Anti-terrorism security

Poster: Rules and procedures for dealing with the threat of terrorist acts. Precautionary and protective measures. Duties of officials. Actions of the population in the event of a threat. Possible places of installation of explosive devices. Signs of the presence of explosive devices. What to do if an explosive device is found. Behavior of the victims. If you are taken hostage. Emergency phone numbers: police - 02; unified rescue service - 01; ambulance - 03; gas service - 04.

Poster. "Blue" level - information about the possibility of a terrorist attack has been received. "Yellow" level - information about the preparation of a terrorist attack was confirmed. "Red" level - accurate data on the place and time of the attack have been received or the attack has already occurred.

Poster: Terrorism is a threat to society. The legal basis for the fight against terrorism. Ensuring safety in public places Actions upon detection of an explosive device. Evacuation actions. Hostage rules. Actions upon receipt of a threat. Signs of explosive devices. Duties of officials. Actions to prevent terrorism.

Poster. On measures to counter terrorism. Precautionary and protective measures. Duties of officials. Actions of the population in the event of a terrorist attack. Possible places of installation of explosive devices. Signs of the presence of explosive devices. What to do if an explosive device is found. Behavior of the victims. If you are taken hostage.