Protocol for the management of patients with dental caries, approved. Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation October 17, 2006

The protocol for managing patients with dental caries was developed by the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (Kuzmina E.M., Maksimovsky Yu.M., Maly A.Yu., Zheludeva I.V., Smirnova T.A., Bychkova N.V. , Titkina N.A.), Dental Association of Russia (Leontiev V.K., Borovsky E.V., Vagner V.D.), Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenov of Roszdrav (Vorobiev P.A., Avksentyeva M.V., Lukyantseva D.V.), dental clinic N 2 of Moscow (Chepovskaya S.G., Kocherov A.M., Bagdasaryan M.I. ., Kocherova M.A.).

The protocol for managing patients with dental caries has been developed to solve the following problems:

  • establishing uniform requirements for the procedure for diagnosing and treating patients with dental caries;
  • unification of the development of basic programs of compulsory medical insurance and optimization of medical care for patients with dental caries;
  • ensuring optimal volumes, accessibility and quality of medical care provided to the patient in a medical institution. The scope of this protocol is medical and preventive institutions of all levels and organizational and legal forms that provide medical dental care, including specialized departments and offices of any form of ownership.

This paper uses the data evidence strength scale:
A) Evidence is strong: There is strong evidence for the proposed claim.
C) Relative Strength of Evidence: There is sufficient evidence to recommend this proposal.
C) No Sufficient Evidence: The available evidence is not sufficient to make a recommendation, but recommendations may be made in other circumstances.
D) Sufficient negative evidence: there is sufficient evidence to recommend against the use of this medicinal product, material, method, technology under certain conditions.
E) Strong negative evidence: there is sufficient evidence to exclude the drug, method, technique from the recommendations.